Montag, 10. September 2007

Why does there gotta be a sacrifice

I just want to say Mulholland Drive is the best film ever made, and I get goosebumps all the way through it. I'm not just saying that because Naomi Watts is one of my best friends and Laura Elena Harring is probably one of the most beautiful women to ever grace a silver screen. I actually took the time to see it when it ran at the theatres and I was so pleased when my, for once, high expectations weren't let down. It's exactly how a movie is supposed to be. It doesn't underestimate it's audience and you still walk out with questions and that "god-awful" feeling that is David Lynch at his best. I'm in Thailand right now. Crazy, I know. Just a few days ago we were in Kenya. I'm exhausted, like any normal person would be I suppose. The movie is turning out good, I think. Still got a lot of things to add of course. There are amazing people working around the clock to get the sets right and we have photographers serving coffee and assistants giving orders. The main benefit of traveling like we do at the moment is that the usually studio rules are overlooked. You don't get yelled at for talking to the wrong person. We're just a bunch of people trying to work together. The "rules", and yes I use quotation marks, in this business are ridiculous. Actors with minor parts aren't even allowed to talk to the director and if they happened to get a word out of him/her, their salary is doubled, maybe more. Then it stops being about team work and becomes an immature game of "I'm better than you". So this is a nice change.It's over soon though. By this weekend the final scenes should be done and I can be my own person again. I've been getting up at 6 AM every day for the past 3 months. And the diet and the exercise. I could kill for a steak. So I'm a little glad it's over, I suppose. It's always weird to leave a production. You don't see it again for another year and then you're suddenly being interviewed about something that's become distant for you. It's extremely early, but you can't expect to adjust to every time zone, especially when your stay is for a week. I take power naps throughout the day. I'm restless. I think I just want to feel... settled, and at ease. I feel terrible for dragging Maddox all around the world. This is just a low point, I guess. I'll feel better after a shower. Not to make this completely pointless... someone gave me this today. It was taken a few days ago. I can't believe how much I love him.

3 Kommentare:

arsmakert19 hat gesagt…

*grins* absolutely gorgeous pic :)

nriperformatce3 hat gesagt…

Of an absolutely gorgeous little man ;)

kerroncrsos73 hat gesagt…

You know, Mummy's gorgeous aswell ;) hehehe